
  • Amirqulova Shirin Sherzod qizi


Key words: the ancient world, the future, education, socio-economic, personality, patriotism, youth, great country


Abstract: This article provides information about the fact that we, the young
generation, who are the pillars of the newly developing Uzbekistan, should show the
rich and indelible heritage of our country's ancient history in front of our people.
Raising and further developing traditional national values in our country is not the work
of one or two people.Of course, for this, i.e., for "renaissance" (development,
rejuvenation, awakening, revival and rise), we all need to work together. We need to
make good use of the wide opportunities given to young people and reach higher
heights in comparison to other countries in mutual cooperation with socially,
economically and intellectually successful people. We should not give up such
opportunities, on the contrary, we should inculcate in the minds of people the
promotion of the cultural development of our nation. Using these opportunities, we
must never go back and only take steps forward.



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How to Cite

Amirqulova Shirin Sherzod qizi. (2024). DEVELOPING UZBEKISTAN . TADQIQOTLAR.UZ, 37(2), 21–22. Retrieved from