
  • Toshboltayeva Sabrina Rajabali's daughter
  • Roziyeva Shaxribonu Norboy's daughter


Key words: terms, linguistics, structures, process, phenomenon, quality, mentality, studies


Abstract: This article is about linguistic terms, it aims to learn to determine the
structural features of linguistic terms presented in native language textbooks, i.e. to
describe their form structures. And also, in this article, scientific research works were
carried out and discussed about the concept of modern linguistics, the fields of
chassology, the goals and tasks of which are dynamic, and its use in the speech process.



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How to Cite

Toshboltayeva Sabrina Rajabali’s daughter, & Roziyeva Shaxribonu Norboy’s daughter. (2024). TERMS OF LINGUISTICS . TADQIQOTLAR.UZ, 37(4), 149–150. Retrieved from http://tadqiqotlar.uz/index.php/new/article/view/2932