Kalit so‘zlar: Xorazm madaniyati, Ichan-Qal'a, Urganch madaniy markazlari, Topraq Qal'a, Xiva xonligi, Tarixiy yodgorliklar, Madrasalar, Arxeologik qazish ishlari, O'rta asr madaniyati, Zamonaviy madaniyat tadbirlari.Abstract
Annotatsiya: Maqola Xorazm viloyatining madaniy markazlarini va ularning
tarixiy rivojlanishini o'rganadi. Xiva, Urganch kabi shaharlar va Topraq Qal'a kabi
qadimiy yodgorliklar diqqat markazida bo'lib, ularning madaniy va tarixiy ahamiyati
tahlil qilinadi. Xiva shahridagi Ichan-Qal'a, Urganchdagi zamonaviy madaniyat
markazlari va qadimiy Topraq Qal'a arxeologik yodgorligi kabi muhim ob'ektlar orqali
Xorazmning o'rta asrlardan to bugungi kungacha bo'lgan madaniy o'zgarishlari ko'rib
chiqiladi. Maqola shuningdek, bu madaniy markazlarning ilmiy, diniy va san'at
sohalaridagi roli hamda ularning jamiyatdagi ta'sirini yoritib beradi.
UNESCO World Heritage Centre. (1990). Ichan-Kala, Khiva. [online] Available at:
https://whc.unesco.org/en/list/543 [Accessed 6 May 2024].
Bosworth, C. E. (1977). Historical Geography of Iran. Princeton University Press.
Provides a detailed examination of the historical and cultural significance of regions
like Khorezm.
Tolstov, S. P. (1948). Ancient Khwarezm: Excavations and Research. Academy of
Sciences of the USSR. This book details the archaeological expeditions and
findings in the Khwarezm region, particularly at sites like Toprak Kala.
Beckwith, C. I. (2009). Empires of the Silk Road: A History of Central Eurasia from
the Bronze Age to the Present. Princeton University Press. Offers insights into the
cultural and historical contexts of Central Asian regions including Khorezm.
Kamalov, A. (2012). Khiva: The City of a Thousand Domes. Khiva Cultural
Studies. This book explores the architecture, history, and cultural heritage of Khiva,
focusing on its development during the Khivan Khanate period.
Guliamova, J., & Karimov, U. (2018). Cultural Renaissance in Modern Uzbekistan:
The Case of Khorezm. Tashkent University Press. Discusses the contemporary
cultural revival and preservation efforts in Khorezm.
Narshakhi, A. (1996). History of Bukhara. Translated by R. Frye. Harvard
University Press. Although primarily focused on Bukhara, this text provides
valuable comparative insights into the development of cities like Khiva and
The State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Statistics. (2024). Cultural
Statistics of Khorezm Region. Provides statistical data on cultural events,
institutions, and tourism in the Khorezm region.
Yusupov, H. (2021). Preservation of Cultural Heritage in Uzbekistan: Challenges
and Prospects. Samarkand Cultural Heritage Series. Examines the challenges and
strategies involved in preserving cultural heritage sites across Uzbekistan, including
those in Khorezm.