
  • Oralbaeva Ayzada
  • Qodirova Maftuna Davronovna


Keywords: Intensive Reading Material, EFL Students, teaching, task, scanning, scamming, vocabulary


This research aims at developing the Intensive Reading material for the second-
semester students of English Language Education Program. It is a Research and
Development study that was done by using Reeves’ (2000) Design-Based Research
model. The analysis showed that the intensive reading skills are still considered
difficult for some students. Additionally, the content of the product is based on the
syllabus and the Outcome Based Education (OBE) curriculum. The researcher
developed 11 units of Intensive Reading material based on the previous needs analysis
data. It covers materials related to the intensive reading skills such as scanning,
skimming, previewing, predicting, building a powerful vocabulary, context clues, and
understanding topic, main idea, and paragraph are also included in the final product.



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How to Cite

Oralbaeva Ayzada, & Qodirova Maftuna Davronovna. (2024). IMPLICATIONS IN DESIGNING READING MATERIALS FOR EFL LEARNERS . TADQIQOTLAR.UZ, 40(6), 51–55. Retrieved from