Teaching English as a Second Language and intriguing games to create energetic classroom atmosphere


  • Abdurazoqova Mushtariy Sayfiddin qizi


ESL, language acquisition, immersive learning environment, interactive classroom games, vocabulary building, communication skills, engaging learning, teamwork, creative teaching, language practice, enjoyable learning atmosphere, student engagement, ESL lesson plans


This article discusses the importance of integrating fun and
interactive classroom games into ESL lesson plans to create an immersive and
effective learning environment. It outlines five game suggestions, highlighting their
benefits in promoting language acquisition, vocabulary building, and communication
skills among ESL students. The overall purpose is to engage students, foster
teamwork, and enhance the enjoyment of learning English as a second language.

Author Biography

Abdurazoqova Mushtariy Sayfiddin qizi

O’zbekiston Davlat Jahon Tillari Universiteti Xorijiy til va Adabiyoti Ingliz tili
fakulteti 2-bosqich talabasi

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