Nowadays why are so many people on their phones? Possible ways to minimize its usage


  • Abdurazoqova Mushtariy Sayfiddin qizi


Smartphone usage, Addictive apps and game, Information overload, Notification, Mental health, Physical health, Relationships, Quality of life, Social media, Productivity, FOMO (fear of missing out)


This topic explores the reasons behind the widespread usage of
smartphones and offers strategies to minimize their excessive use. It delves into the
impact of smartphone dependency on individuals and society, while also providing
practical methods to establish a healthier relationship with technology. The focus is
on understanding the root causes of excessive phone usage and promoting
mindfulness and balance in engaging with smartphones.

Author Biography

Abdurazoqova Mushtariy Sayfiddin qizi

O’zbekiston Davlat Jahon Tillari Universiteti Xorijiy til va adabiyoti Ingliz tili
fakulteti 2-bosqich talabasi

Ta'limning zamonaviy tranformatsiyasi

