Learning styles


  • Gofforov Iqbol Uktamovich
  • Gofforov Iqbol Uktamovich
  • Gofforova Diyoraxon Muzaffarovna

Ключевые слова:

Learning styles, individual differences, cognitive preferences, modalities, visual learning, auditory learning, kinesthetic learning, teaching methodologies, inclusive learning environments


The theme of "Learning Styles" explores the diverse approaches individuals employ to process and internalize information. This concept acknowledges that learners have unique preferences and strengths in how they acquire knowledge, encompassing visual, auditory, kinesthetic, and other modalities. The abstract delves into the exploration of learning styles, highlighting the significance of understanding and accommodating these individual differences in educational settings. It touches upon various models and assessments used to identify learning styles, emphasizing their impact on teaching methodologies and the creation of inclusive learning environments. The theme underscores the importance of recognizing and respecting diverse learning styles for fostering effective and tailored educational experiences.

Биографии авторов

Gofforov Iqbol Uktamovich

Department Chair of Fergana state university

Gofforov Iqbol Uktamovich

The teacher of English language and literature faculty

Gofforova Diyoraxon Muzaffarovna

2nd-level student of Fergana State University,

english language and literature faculty

Ta'limning zamonaviy tranformatsiyasi


