Development of a software complex for intellectual monitoring of the condition of patients


  • B.S. Jumakulov


1. Patient Monitoring Software 2. Health Data Analytics 3. Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare 4. Real-Time Health Assessment 5. Medical Data Integration 6. Predictive Healthcare Algorithms 7. Big Data in Medicine 8. Healthcare IT Systems 9. User Interface Design for Healthcare 10. Medical Data Security and Privacy 11. Electronic Health Records (EHR) 12. Telemedicine Technologies 13. Smart Healthcare Solutions 14. Patient-Centered Care Technologies 15. Digital Health Monitoring Systems


This paper discusses the development of a cutting-edge software complex designed for the intellectual monitoring of patients' health conditions. It focuses on integrating advanced algorithms and AI technology to provide real-time, accurate health assessments. The development process encompasses requirement analysis, system design, coding, and rigorous testing phases. Key features include predictive analytics, big data processing, a user-friendly interface, and seamless integration with existing healthcare systems. Emphasis is placed on ensuring the highest levels of data security and patient privacy. This software complex aims to enhance healthcare quality by offering comprehensive monitoring tools for medical professionals.

Author Biography

B.S. Jumakulov

Master student of Tashkent University

of InformationTechnologies named after Muhammad al-Khwarizmi

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