Using games in the classroom.


  • Nuraliyeva Durdona Rufatjon qizi

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Boctor (2013) states that the method by which the two steps make up the game-based learning strategy, which facilitates learning: First, games can inspire pupils to integrate information from different fields and apply it to decision-making; second, students can evaluate how their decisions and choices affect the way the game turns out


Using digital and non-digital games, game-based learning is a way to acquire new knowledge and abilities (Grace, 2019). Learning and educational results can both be significantly improved by the use of games in the classroom (Kula, 2021; Syafii, 2021).

Биография автора

Nuraliyeva Durdona Rufatjon qizi

Farg’ona davlat universiteti, Xorijiy til adabiyoti yo’nalishi talabasi


Yangi O'zbekiston taraqqiyotida tadqiqotlarni o'rni va rivojlanish omillari


