The use of modern methods in quality training


  • Mirzayeva Mahbuba Mamajonovna.
  • Hamdamova Mahliyoxon.

Ключевые слова:

Modern methods, Quality education, Online learning, Gamification, Virtual reality, Technology, Traditional classrooms, Personalized learning, Accessibility, Challenges, Digital divide, Specialized training, Learning styles, Human elements, Educational outcomes, Inclusive education.


.The article discusses the use of modern methods in providing quality education. These methods include online learning, gamification, virtual reality, and the use of technology in traditional classrooms. The benefits of these methods include accessibility, personalized learning, and a more engaging and interactive learning experience. However, challenges such as the need for reliable internet access and specialized training for teachers must also be addressed. By embracing modern methods while also ensuring that traditional methods are not completely replaced, individuals can have access to high-quality education that meets their needs and prepares them for success in the 21st century. The article emphasizes the importance of innovation and adaptation to ensure that education remains accessible and relevant to all.

Биографии авторов

Mirzayeva Mahbuba Mamajonovna.

Ingliz tili oqitish metodikasi kafedrasi dotsenti

Hamdamova Mahliyoxon.

Xorijiy til va adabiyoti fakulteti talabasi

Yangi O'zbekiston taraqqiyotida tadqiqotlarni o'rni va rivojlanish omillari


