Editorial Team

Xayitov Axror Axmadovich  Buxoro muhandislik-texnologiya instituti charm buyumlari texnologiyasi va dizayni kafedrasi dotsenti

Safarova Nigora Ohunjonovna Buxoro davlat pedagogika instituti Boshlang‘ich ta'lim kafedrasi professori

Hakimova Mehriniso Homitovna  Buxoro davlat pedagogika instituti boshlang‘ich ta’lim kafedrasi dotsenti pedagogika fanlari bo‘yicha falsafa doktori (PhD)

Mustafayev Oybek Bobomuradovich, doctor of philosophy (PhD) in technical sciences, associate professor of Navoi State University of mining and technology

Qurbonov Oybek Muhammatqulovich, doctor of philosophy (PhD) in technical sciences, docent of the Mining Electromechanics Department of Navoi State Mining and Technology University

Turdiyev Sardorjon Abdumuminovich, doctor of philosophy (PhD) in technical sciences, associate professor of Navoi State University of mining and technology

Khamdamova Malika Ilkhamovna, PhD in Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Natural Sciences, Tashkent State Pedagogical University Named After Nizami

Muminova Zarifa Odilovna, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Philosophical Sciences, Associate Professor of Uzbekistan-Finland  Pedagogical Institute

Turgunova Nasiba Tuychiyevna, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Political Sciences, Associate Docent of the Academy of the Ministry of Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan

ZOKHIDOV ODIL UMIRZOKOVICH, Navoi State University of Mining and Technology, Associate Professor of the Department of "Mining electrical mechanics"

Khamzaev Akbar Abdalimovich, Doctor of Philosophy in Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of "Mining Electrical Mechanics", Navoi State University of Mining and Technologies, Uzbekistan

Musurmanov Elyor Shirinkulovich,  Doctor of Philosophy in Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of "Mining Electrical Mechanics", Navoi State University of Mining and Technologies, Uzbekistan

Zokhidov Odil Umirzokovich,  Doctor of Philosophy in Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of "Mining electrical mechanics", Navoi State University of Mining and Technologies, Uzbekistan

Mustafaev Oybek Bobomurodovich - Doctor of Philosophy in Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of "Mining Electrical Mechanics", Navoi State University of Mining and Technologies, Uzbekistan

Sharipov Lazizjon Okildjonovich - Doctor of Philosophy in Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of "Mining and processing of ores of rare and radioactive metals", Navoi State University of Mining and Technologies, Uzbekistan

Khaydarov Shokhidjon Bakhridinovich - Doctor of Philosophy in Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of "Mining Electrical Mechanics", Navoi State University of Mining and Technologies, Uzbekistan

Jiyanov Abdunor Bobokulovich - Doctor of Philosophy in Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of "Mining and processing of ores of rare and radioactive metals", Navoi State University of Mining and Technologies, Uzbekistan

Soliyev Bekzod Zokirboyevich - Doctor of Philosophy in Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of "Mining", Navoi State University of Mining and Technologies, Uzbekistan

Choriqulov Akbar Oromqul o‘g‘li - Doctor of Philosophy in Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of "Mining", Navoi State University of Mining and Technologies, Uzbekistan

Umrzokov Abdulla ToshtemirovichDoctor of Philosophy in Technical Sciences, Docent, Department of Chemical Technology, Navoi State University of Mining and Technologies, Uzbekistan

Rashidov Khurshid Karimovich Doctor of Philosophy in Pedagogical Sciences of the Department of “Mining ” of the Navoi State Mining and Technology University/ Uzbekistan. Navoi

Kulmuratov Nurillo Raximovich- Doctor of Philosophy in Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Technology Engineering, Navoi State University of Mining and Technologies, Uzbekistan

Tadjiev Shukhrat Tulqinovich - Doctor of Philosophy in Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of "Mining", Navoi State University of Mining and Technologies, Uzbekistan

Rashidov Khurshid Karimovich, Associate professor of the Department of "social and humanitarian and physical education", Navoi State University of mining and Technology (PhD)

Tovboev Akram Nurmonovich -  Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor,  Department of energy, Navoi State University of Mining and Technologies, Uzbekistan

Akbarova Suraiye Khamidovna – doctor of philosophy in physics and mathematics, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of “Applied mathematics and mechanics” of Andijan State University

Boymurotov Sodiq Rozziqovich - Head of the Department "Tax and Taxation" of the Fiscal Institute of the Tax Committee under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan, PhD. Uzbekistan. Research interests: Fiscal policy and tax administration

Khujakulov Nurmurod Botirovich - Doctor of Philosophy in Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of "Metallurgy", Navoi State University of Mining and Technologies, Uzbekistan

Khadicha Tuyboyevna Tasheva – PhD in Technical Sciences, Senior Researcher. Senior Researcher at the Laboratory of the Institute of Energy Problems, Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Shamsiddin Yuldashovich Qaraqulov – PhD in Technical Sciences, Senior Researcher. Senior Researcher at the Laboratory of the Institute of Energy Problems, Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Khamidov Shukhrat Vahidovich - Head of the “Laboratory for Advanced Development and Energy Security” of the Institute of Energy Problems of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, professor Doctor of  Technical Sciences (DSc). Uzbekistan

Nazarov Jamoliddin Toshkulovich - Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of General Physics, Navoi State Mining and Technological University, Uzbekistan, Navoi State University of Mining and Technologies, Uzbekistan

Akbarova Marguba Khamidovna – doctor of philosophy in physics and mathematics, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of “System and Applied Programming" at Tashkent University of Information Technologies named after Muhammad al-Khwarizmi, Tashkent, Tashkent