
  • Maftuna Qodirova


Keywords: language “world picture”, conceptual metaphor, national metaphor, mentality, conceptual framework.


Currently, a number of studies are being conducted on the linguistic world
picture of representations of many languages and civilizations. It is significant to
research functions of a language in how a nation's culture constructs the world. The
worldview is the entirety of information about the world, expressed in a variety of
linguistic forms, and each person's unique linguistic interpretation of the world.
Because a language's "world picture" is a distinct method of conceiving reality that is
unique to that language and partially universal and partially national, so native speakers
are able to view the world through the lens of their own languages. [4, P. 17]. Numerous
linguists such as A. Vezbitskaya, N.D. Arutyunova, G.A. Brutyan, S.A. Vasiliev, G.V.
Kolshansky, M. Black, D. Himes are busy with the issues of reflection in the language
world picture.


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Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1980.

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Pocheptsov O.G. Yazykovaya mentalnost: sposob predstavleniya mira.// Voprosy

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[The role of human factor in language. Language and „world picture”] / B. A.

Serebrenykov, E. S. Kubryakova, V. K. Postovalova and others. Moscow: Nauka,

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How to Cite

Maftuna Qodirova. (2023). CONCEPTUAL METAPHOR IN LINGUISTIC WORLD PICTURE. TADQIQOTLAR.UZ, 28(4), 3–5. Retrieved from