
  • Shamsutdinov Jamshidbek
  • Atajonov Muhiddin Odiljonovich


Keywords: HIGH VOLTAGE, RT(receiving power),GIL,electric power,energy resources,electricity production,transmormers.


The electric power industry of Uzbekistan will develop if the energy efficiency
of the use of energy resources increases. Electric energy is the only type of product that
does not use other resources to move it from places of production to places of
consumption. For this, part of the transmitted electricity itself is consumed, so its losses
are inevitable, the task is to determine their economically feasible level. Reducing
electricity losses in electrical networks to this level is one of the important areas of
energy conservation. This task is associated with reducing electricity losses in the
electrical networks of the energy system of Uzbekistan. The growth of energy losses in
electrical networks is determined by the action of quite objective laws in the
development of the entire energy sector as a whole. The main ones are: a tendency
towards concentration of electricity production at large power plants; continuous
growth in the loads of electrical networks associated with a natural increase in
consumer loads and the lagging of the growth rate of the network bandwidth from the
growth rate of electricity consumption and generating capacities.



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How to Cite

Shamsutdinov Jamshidbek, & Atajonov Muhiddin Odiljonovich. (2024). “CALCULATION OF THE WASTE OF VOLTAGES FROM HIGH- VOLTAGE NETWORKS IN ANDMI BUILDINGS". TADQIQOTLAR.UZ, 38(7), 84–91. Retrieved from https://tadqiqotlar.uz/new/article/view/3375