“The Problem of Interference: Ways of Preventing and Overcoming It”


  • Urinboev Shakhzod
  • Butabekova Durdona


Interference, Communication, Signal Processing, Cognitive Load, Prevention Strategies, Overcoming Interference, Technology, Cross-Domain, Solutions.


Interference, a ubiquitous challenge across various domains, serves as the focal point of this comprehensive article. Interference manifests in myriad forms, including external disruptions in communication channels, technological glitches in signal processing, and internal cognitive challenges. The article aims to dissect the multifaceted problem of interference, offering readers a nuanced understanding of its origins, consequences, and, most importantly, effective strategies for prevention and resolution.

The exploration begins by defining interference and categorizing its types, encompassing external factors, internal cognitive processes, and the intricate interplay between them. Root causes are scrutinized, ranging from environmental influences to technological intricacies and the cognitive load borne by individuals engaged in complex tasks.

The consequences of interference are far-reaching, impacting communication channels, technological systems, and cognitive performance. Communication breakdowns and data transmission disruptions are examined, highlighting the pervasive effects of interference on our daily lives. The cognitive implications are also elucidated, emphasizing how interference can hamper decision-making and overall task performance.

Author Biographies


Teacher of Jizzakh branch of the National University of Uzbekistan

named after Mirzo Ulugbek

Urinboev Shakhzod

Student of Jizzakh branch of the National University of Uzbekistan

named after Mirzo Ulugbek

Butabekova Durdona

4th course of Foreign language and literature

in Jizzakh State Pedagogical University


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