The Educational Significance of Interactive Broadcasting in Radio Journalism


  • Dinara Madiyarova


These opinions are close to reality. In today's radio journalism field, among numerous innovations, one of the most contemporary approaches is the pursuit of effectiveness in broadcasting content.


In the daily life of tourists, people often turn to the most efficient form of news communication - the radio. This is because, with the real possibilities of radio communication at that time, information is broadcast through the airwaves during the crucial hours of the day. V. Voroshilov, a prominent figure in journalism, points out: "People, by tuning in to the radio, can immerse themselves in their daily routines and, along with that, stay informed about news, cultural programs, theater, market updates, and events" [2-24].

Author Biography

Dinara Madiyarova

1st-year Master's student at KSU

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