Navigating the Digital Linguistic Landscape: The Mutually Beneficial Relationship Between Language and Technology


  • : N.N.Zubaydova
  • Nozima Azamatova


Language and technology, digital communication, linguistic evolution, artificial intelligence, natural language processing, language learning technologies, obstacles, virtual reality, augmented reality, linguistic variety, cultural preservation.


The delicate relationship that exists between language and technology in the current day is the topic of discussion in this article. The essay investigates the dynamic interaction that exists between these two spheres, examining topics such as the effect that digital communication has had on linguistic conventions as well as the profound effect that artificial intelligence has had on language-related applications. It investigates the changing characteristics of language in the modern day, the part that artificial intelligence plays in the development of linguistics, and the revolutionary effects that technology has on the teaching of languages. In addition, the paper discusses obstacles and potential future trends, offering insights into the parallel development of language and technology.

Author Biographies

: N.N.Zubaydova

Scientific supervisor

Nozima Azamatova

Samarkand State Institute of Foreign Languages

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