
  • Dadakhanov Nurilla Karimovich
  • Karimov Rustamjon Ibragimovich

Ключевые слова:

Keywords: drafting device, streamline angle, pressure roller, double roller device, corrugated cylinder, spinning line, breakage.


Abstract. In existing spinning systems in the processing of natural, artificial and
synthetic fibers into yarn, the main task of the technological process is to obtain a
ribbon, rovings and yarn uniform in structure and properties by folding and drawing.
The article studies and obtained analytical dependences for calculating the angle of
flow around the exhaust cylinder by the lobe on the spinning line of ring spinning
machines. Based on research, we can conclude that the optimal condition for reducing
the unevenness of the product being drawn in the exhaust device of ring spinning
machines equipped with a new exhaust device will be minimal.

Библиографические ссылки


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Как цитировать

Dadakhanov Nurilla Karimovich, & Karimov Rustamjon Ibragimovich. (2024). OPTIMIZATION OF PARAMETERS OF A LINE OF SPINNING OF SPINNING MACHINES . Tadqiqotlar, 30(1), 72–79. извлечено от http://tadqiqotlar.uz/index.php/new/article/view/1842