In practice, very different laboratory methods are used in the diagnosis of thyroid
gland diseases. These consist of several parts: 1. Thyroid hormones and methods for
determining the amount of other iodine compounds in the blood: the amount of iodine
bound to protein; iodine separated by butanol; total T4, free thyroxine T4; consists in
determining the amount of total T3, free T3, reversible T3, thyroxine-binding proteins
(globulin and rrealbumin).
Methods for determining the functional state of the thyroid gland: the ability of
the thyroid gland to absorb J 131; the method transmitted by the effect of
triiodothyronine T3, the method transmitted by thyroliberin, the method showing a
decrease in the thyroid gland'sability to capture iodine, and so on.
Methods of studying the peripheral effects of thyroid hormones, determination
of basic metabolism: determination of the amount of creatinine phosphokinase in blood
serum; determining the heel reflex time; (photomathography, reflexometry,
reflexography), the amount of serum SAMF to glucagon methods that determine the
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