
  • G’ulomova Shahlo Mansur qizi
  • Khamitov Eldorbek Erkin o‘g‘li

Ключевые слова:

Keywords: renaissance, poem, encourages, enticements ,idealism, philosophy


Christopher Marlowe’s “Carpe Diem” poetry, particularly exemplified in his
work “The Passionate Shepherd to His Love,” is a quintessential representation of the
Renaissance era’s embrace of the present moment. The poem is a romantic invitation
from the shepherd to his beloved, offering a life filled with the pleasures of nature and
pastoral beauty. Marlowe crafts an idyllic world where every sensory experience is
heightened and every pleasure is intensified, free from the burdens of sin or sorrow.
The shepherd’s promises of beds of roses, fine garments, and a life of leisure are
all part of his persuasive argument to seize the day and enjoy the fleeting moments of
happiness. Marlowe’s use of vivid imagery and rhythmic patterns creates a sense of
urgency and desire, urging the beloved to act before the opportunity passes.

Библиографические ссылки


Emma Smith, “The Female Pen: Women Writers in English Literature”,(2018);

Margaret J. M. Ezell,“Recovering Lost Voices:Women Writers in English

Literature”, (2001);

Yusupova M. A., Djalilova A. N., Xoshimova D. R., Aminova S. A. ‘History of

English and American literature’ ,Yangi Chirchiq Prints, (2023).



Как цитировать

G’ulomova Shahlo Mansur qizi, & Khamitov Eldorbek Erkin o‘g‘li. (2024). CHRISTOPHER MARLOWE’S “CARP DIEM POETRY” . Tadqiqotlar, 36(4), 203–205. извлечено от

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