Ключевые слова:
Kalit so‘zlar: o‘quvchi, boshlang‘ich ta’lim, motiv, o‘quv motivlari, tafakkur, xotira, intellekt, mantiq.Аннотация
Ushbu maqolada boshlang‘ich sinf o‘quvchilarida o‘quv motivlarining
shakllanish muammosi yoritilgan. Shuningdek, boshlang‘ich sinf o‘quvchilarining
boshqa psixologik xususiyatlari va irodaviy sifatlarining tarkib toppish muammolari
va ularning motivatsiya shakllanishiga ko‘rsatuvchi ta’sirlari muhokama etilgan.
Библиографические ссылки
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Sultanovich. (2020). Psychological aspects of developing creative personality and
the concept of reduction of creativity to intellect. JCR. 7(17): 498-505. doi:
Jabbor Usarov. (2019, June). Using Teaching Methods for Development Pupil
Competencies. International Journal of Progressive Sciences and Technologies,
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Jabbor Eshbekovich Usarov. (2017). Formation Competence at Pupils as the Factor
of Increase of Education’s Efficiency. Theoretical & Applied Science, 53(9), 79-
Mukhamedov Gafurdjan Isroilovich, & Usarov Djabbar Eshbekovich. (2020).
Technologies for the Development of Competencies in Physics in General
Secondary Education using Multimedia Resources. International Journal of
Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 9(3), 2677-2684.