Ключевые слова:
KEY WORDS: education policies, education reform, professional development, Stakeholder Engagement, piloting and evaluationАннотация
In a school room setting, superb conversation plays a fundamental position in
facilitating gaining knowledge of and retaining an attractive environment. Teachers
who master the art of the use of fabulous and superb language at some point of classes
can significantly decorate scholar understanding, participation, and overall educational
performance. This article explores key strategies and methods for using classroom
language correctly to maximize the getting to know experience.
Библиографические ссылки
Berlitz, Maximilian Delphinius (1897). Méthode Berlitz pour l’enseignement des
langues modernes. Édition illustrée pour les enfants.
Berlitz, Maximilian Delphinius (1899). Grammaire Pratique de la Langue
Française, 4 Vols. New York: Berlitz and
Sauveur, Lambert (1875a). Causeries avec les enfants. New York: Christern.
Sauveur, Lambert (1875b). Entretiens sur la grammaire. New York: Christern,
Boston: C. Schœnhof.
Sauveur, Lambert (1875c). Petites causeries. Boston: Schœnhof et Mœller, New
York: F. W. Christern.
Internet sources.